Teen Slang 2024


    Slang is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people." In today's day and age, slang has taken a turn away from the general understanding. In my teenage years, words like "hype," "bae," "yeet," "slaps," and "fleek" were popular terms that slowly went out of style. Most of the terms originated from the platform "Vine," a short video-style social media, similar to TikTok. As an adult with a fourteen-year-old sister, the slang of teenagers has taken another direction, one that fits the standard of social standards of 2024. A post from Bark states, "teen slang evolves way more quickly when we were growing up," and phrases come as quickly as they go. A few examples are listed below.

  • Ate that — Means you successfully did something; you pulled it off. Example: “I saw your prom pics on insta, you totally ate that look.”

  • Beige flag — A quality or characteristic of a significant other that is weird or off-putting, but not enough to reject them. 

  • Bussin’ — Awesome. Example: These tacos are bussin’.

  • CEO of [something] — To be a representative of some activity or thing. Example: “Taylor is the CEO of sleeping in late.”

  • Delulu — Short for "delusional" and used when someone has unrealistic ideas about something

  • Facts — An emphatic way to acknowledge the truth of someone’s statement

  • Gas — Can refer to marijuana, be used to describe something that’s cool, or be used as a verb to mean “hype someone up”

  • GYAT — Shortened term for "godd**n" used to express approval or excitement, particularly when one notices a large bottom.

  • IYKYK — “If you know you know”; meant to imply that there’s an inside joke

  • Karen  — Used to refer to an entitled mom

  • Mewing — The act of making your jawline more defined by putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Teens might say something like, "Can't talk, mewing" to indicate this is why they're not talking.

  • No cap — Used to indicate that someone is not lying

  • Rizz — Derived from “charisma." Someone who has “game” when it comes to romantic pursuits. Example: "Taylor has that rizz, they're so charming."

  • Trap phone — Also called a burner phone, this is an older, hand-me-down smartphone that kids trade or sell with each other. Kids who get their phones taken away by their parents may seek out a trap phone to have easy internet access (provided they can connect it to WiFi).

Some of these terms make sense, others don't. What is important to understand is why these terms grow in popularity as quickly as they do. A Newsweek article states that "social media is crucial to spreading slang," (Newsweek, 2024). The linguist in this article mentions that younger people are less bound by societal norms, making it easier for silly phrases and actions to spread as quickly as they do. With the lack of boundaries, "normal" is thrown out the window, and creativity jumps in its spot. With a new generation of young people, all with computers glued to their hands, it is nearly impossible for things like this to grow at rapid speeds. It is important to stay up to date unless you don't want your younger siblings to think you're cool. I know my sister thinks I'm lame because I didn't understand the hieroglyphics-like phrases she sends me via Snapchat. Modern language is evolving at a rapid pace, and soon there will be a new flood of slang terms to catch up on. 


Life, A. C., & Reporter, T. (2024, June 18). Linguist predicts that new slang is coming because of one important factor. Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/new-slang-coming-one-important-factor-1914260#:~:text=%22Social%20media%20is%20crucial%20in

The Bark Team. (2021, March 2). 2021 Teen Slang Meanings Every Parent Should Know. Bark. https://www.bark.us/blog/teen-text-speak-codes-every-parent-should-know/


  1. An interesting way to approach the development of slang would be as a result of social learning, where we are influenced by our society and culture to adopt certain language. By using the language of the people around us, we will assimilate into our culture, in this case internet culture. When we communicate effectively using new slang, that slang is engrained as part of our lexicon. Using the new terms effectively promotes their future use.


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