Anxiety- Post 3

 I am choosing to write about anxiety for my third and final blog post. These days there are so many different anxiety disorders, all of which have an enormous impact on someone’s daily life and all of the activities they take part in. Anxiety is a constant state of fear and worry. Anxiety can be situational or constant and can be caused by things such as money, family, relationships, health, and so many more things unfortunately. People with anxiety often feel like their world is crashing down over something that someone else may feel is really small. There are many things that people with anxiety can try. Meditation, exercise, and even medication. Talking to friends and family, counselors, teachers and others also helps as well.


  1. Interesting post, Ciara. There are so many different types of anxiety disorders, and luckily many different ways to treat them.

  2. Hi Ciara,

    Great post about anxiety. Anxiety is something I find that a lot of humans go through in today's society. I suffer from it because of my insecurities I deal with on daily basis. I am starting to see many people suffering from this type of disorder Do you think environment places a major part in anxiety? I also think peer pressure plays a huge part in why so many children suffer from this disorder. I think the best way to start to conquer from this disorder would be to seek counseling someone is unbias and help find why I have this disorder and what is bringing on my anxiety level.

  3. I think this is a great post. Anxiety is so common these days and there are so many different forms of it. Anxiety and treatment is not talked about enough and should be so people are educated and can get help if they need it.

  4. Hi Ciara, I think many people are battling with anxiety but do not know it. I suffered from anxiety since a young child but was not aware of it until I got older. I was always in a consist state of worry and any little mishap consumed my whole day, leaving me depressed. I think it would be great if these kinds of disorder were talked about more in school for young children. -----By: Bianca Mathieu

  5. This is a great post. I myself have been diagnosed with Anxiety; I will say more often than not it is debilitating when I begin to have an anxiety attack. The stigma around anxiety has become so thick because it is so easy to just "self diagnose" when in reality its easy to call anything anxiety. Those with anxiety often feel like they are unable to be themself and do things without worry. Anxiety can also lead to other health problems from being in a constant state of worry. I appreciate your post!


  6. Anxiety is sadly something that many people suffer with and there different cases of anxiety depending on the person. It is struggle that about 40 million adults just in the U.S.alone are facing today. Luckily more awareness has been brought into society were it is now normalized.

  7. An illustration of this sort of conduct just an individual permitting their brain to harp on trouble or inconveniences frequently imaging disturbing things.Therapist Devon PA 19333

  8. Everybody encounters anxiety somewhat eventually in their lives. Insights show that the vast majority have had a fit of anxiety eventually in their lives. navigate here


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