Food Aversions vs Picky Eating

As we learned, food aversions are put into our bodies in order to help protect us from foods that may potentially harm us. This goes right along with taste aversions. This articles talks about how many children may have a food aversion but it is getting overlooked because children are normally picky eaters. Many parents may not recognize that if something was not appealing once to the child, they may deem it to be something that is harmful to them and have a food aversion. If the child is willing to eat a food every once in a while, but something they like better is presented as well, that is where picky eating comes in. In a food aversion, the child will not eat the food even if it is the only thing that is available to them. In the end, these problems may need to be checked out by a doctor if it affecting the child's overall nutrition.
Food Aversion vs Picking Eating


  1. I love that an article was provided which was able to provide me more insight on food aversions. Many people face symptoms such as nausea, or having trouble consuming certain foods. If something is not tasteful, even if it may be good for you, it is wise to disguise the food in another food that you consume to diminish the taste. It would be smart to use this tactic when presenting food to a child that does not like it if it is good for them. It is important to understand that every individual reacts to a food differently and food aversions can be related to the sensory aspects of food such as taste, smell, look and texture.

  2. This sounds very familiar and I think I can relate to it. When i was little i was extremely picky. I only liked waffles, chicken nuggets and french fries. I remember my diet being bad enough that I was underweight at every checkup but I do not know if it was bad enough that I would not eat whole food groups, like vegetables which I really disliked. I really enjoyed the article attached and your post!

  3. I really liked this topic. It was very informal to me because I was not educated on the term food aversions prior so it was good to understand it a lot more. I have seen this with children once they have seen pickles in their food (like burgers). Many of them will even go as far as to even classify pickles as dangerous and will not feel comfortable enough to even touch it.

  4. I found this topic extremely interesting. As a child, I was definitely a picky eater and never allowed myself to open up to a variety of foods. The idea of eating something new just did not sit right with me. I'm happy that I know the difference between picky eating and food aversions now, because they are completely different. I found the article to be very informative as well as your post!


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