Caitlin Juliano-(History & Systems) Third and Final Course Book Journal Entry Post

     Throughout lecture #10, it discusses all about Hunt's 18th chapter. This chapter is a bit lengthy, but full of so much vast detail and overall information. Personally, I found the Subliminal Self-Help section in the lecture and chapter to be vary thought-provoking. The overall concept of this how and why someone perceives something in the way or ways that they do. For an example, many companies even use this technique- which is found it to be very effective and intriguing. I found it to be really interesting in the popcorn and soda ad. It was actually a really smart ad, especially in the movie theater industry. The purpose of the eat popcorn-drink soda ad was to get people convinced to buy and consume those products in general, but especially when watching a movie wherever that may be...more specifically in the vast movie theater business. This overall concept was created and initiated James Vicary in the 1950s- specifically in the year of 1957. His intelligent methods increased 18% and 58% in the popcorn and Coca-Cola sales. Today, this major tool in business is still used today. For an example, if you were to go to the Regal movie theaters right now, prior to your movie starting there is a loud, fun, and vibrant commercial that is played in the beginning to advertise the concession stands and the overall theater- in addition to its feature- such as: hosting events, like Birthday parties. This aids in an increase in soda, slushie, popcorn, candy, and other snack sales. 
     Here are some examples of old-fashioned and modern movie theater ads with subliminal self-help, Mr. Jim Vicary's method:  

^^^Don't these ads just make and ultimately convince you want to go to the movies and go buy some movie theatre snacks?!?

     Correspondingly with Hunt's intriguing 18th chapter, I found the Mozart Effect to also be yet another interesting concept in this chapter and in overall psychology. The experiment, with examples on pages 40 and 41, placed some participants to just simply listen to the Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major. In addition, the participants assisted in a spatial reasoning task from Stanford-Binet. Despite the effect being rather minor as a whole, it was still a thought-provoking study to prove and demonstrate this theory in pat and modern-day psychology.

     Here is an example of this theory:

      *To note, this theory also remind me of Fall 2019's class that I took (Psychology of Learning); and during our lab days with our rats, Professor Berg would play classical music (i.e. Mozart and Beethoven) because it would calm down all of the rats rapid nerves. It shows how well classical and clean music can help people and even animals too! Personally, I can even recall some middle and high school teachers that would quietly play classical music for us, as their students, during exams and quizzes. It was very calming. 


  1. It was interesting to learn how companies use the psychology of perception when marketing their products. I would never have thought that a company would use the psychology of perception to market a product before reading this chapter. It makes me think about how often psychology is used in all aspects of life.

  2. Hi Caitlin, I liked how you included videos of ads to show as examples. It's almost a little creepy how the first ad just says "visit our snack bar." in such a straightforward way. It also crazy how much it works. Ads like these are so commonplace now that it was interesting to read about how they were invented. I also liked how you pulled examples from other classes.


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