OCD AT blog

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is made up of two major components. The first component is the obsession, and the second is the compulsion. Obsessions are the persistent, unwanted thoughts, images or ideas. These thought are unwanted. The compulsion is a repetitive behavior that people feel they must perform, to ease the anxiety of the thought. For example, I know I locked the door. However, I get out of bed 5 times in a row to check if I locked the door. OCD is classified as an anxiety disorder, as obsessions cause anxiety. OCD is not as prevalent as other anxiety disorders, but people do suffer from it. Five forms of obsessions include wishes, impulses, images, ideas and doubts.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an extremely in depth disorder and very interesting to study. I think you picked an awesome picture which gives so much information including statistics! Every disorder should be studied thoroughly so it can have the proper research. I also enjoyed your description which listed five forms of obsession, this is very helpful to relate to the disorder daily.

  3. I find this post interesting to read because I did not know that1 in every 200 children have a form of OCD. I myself have a slight bit of OCD. If my room is completely clean and I see my closet door opened a slight bit I run over and close it so everything is in complete order. I know that some are more extreme but, I catch myself making sure everything is in place and if something is out of the ordinary I have to go and fix it. This was a really good post and I am glad you did it on OCD because it drew me in.

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  5. I loved reading this post! I myself have OCD, and it's so much more than what people portray it to be. I started having symptoms as young as six years old, and I wasn't properly diagnosed until I was 20. It can be extremely debilitating at times, and it's nice to see others experience similar thoughts and feelings as my own.


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