Contagious Behavior

In chapter 11 of our books, we read about contagious behavior, which is an instinctive or reflexive behavior that is triggered by another person partaking in the same behavior. For example, yawns when one person yawns it seems to be contagious, as everyone else around that one individual starts to yawn. There are so many more contagious behaviors that we witness daily. A couple are located in this post written on Huffingtonpost. I found these 7 behaviors that the article talks about to definitely be contagious, such as smiling and laughing. I always get told at work that people enjoy working with me because my smile makes them smile even when they are having a bad day, and that is exactly what this chapter reminded me of. I find it so weird that one person's emotions, actions, or environment can affect them and be contagious on how they feel or act in the moment.
Image result for contagious behavior psychology


  1. Wow! Nice post.

    I loved what you had to say about this and Tiffany, love the picture.

  2. I wish I had thought about using a picture.

  3. I agree with your post. It is amazing when someone does a simple act such as yawning, we too find ourselves yawning!

  4. When I see someone yawning, I end up yawning. It's a plague and very contagious. Annoying to say the least. Well done on your lovely post. I enjoyed reading every bit of it.

  5. Yawning is the single most annoying thing in the world. It's a plague and it never ceases. It is almost like that we cannot get enough sleep even if we have slept for more than nine hours. I don't know about others, but it has definitely happened to me.

  6. Very helpful advice in this particular post!
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