Classical Conditioning

One subject discussed in the book was classical conditioning. This process is also known as Pavlovian conditioning. It involves one stimulus paired with another stimulus to elicit a response. By itself, the one stimulus does not elicit the response. In the Ivan Pavlov example, the dog would salivate when food was present with a pairing of the bell. Eventually, the bell was enough to have the dog salivate. Most psychology students have heard this example since intro. One exciting example is from the show, The Office. In this clip below, the one coworker, Jim, classically conditions the other man, Dwight, using mints and his computer. The computer rebooted and made a bell like noise. After, Jim asked Dwight if he wanted an mint. Jim continues this a few times. Until, Jim's computer reboots and Dwight sticks his hand out like a reflex. Jim questioned him, and Dwight wasn't sure why and his mouth "tasted weird" signaling salivation. In reality, it may take more than a few times to develop the reflex, but the process was successful in the video. That is classical conditioning refresh with a fun video!


  1. Great job!

    Hi Madison,

    You have a supremely wonderful post here! Classical conditioning was discussed in great detail in our book. As you said, it is synonymous to Pavlovian conditioning, but that phrase is used less often than the classical conditioning terminology.

    Thank you for mentioning Ivan Pavlov and the example of the dog. The pairing of the bell with the food involved the dog and this example was used extensively as it described a unique scenario to understand classical conditioning. Thanks for helping me review this topic.

    I enjoyed how you posted a video link. Your post is quite exciting and innovative. Very well done!

    Hope to ready more of your posts and comments. Excellent.


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