
"Reflexes are the most basic form of elicited behavior. A reflex is a relatively simple, automatic response to a stimulus" (96). I like to think my reflexes are up to par, especially my startle response! A startle response is a defensive reaction to a sudden, unexpected stimulus. I found this interesting because I am startled very easily. I was once taking out bread to make a sandwich, when I noticed mold started to appear on the bread. Just seeing the mold startled me, I guess because I was not expecting to see it! Reflexes are tied to survival, one example is food consumption. A chain of reflexes, including, salivation, peristalsis, and secretions of digestive juices, all take part in our consumption of food. Vomiting is an example of a protective reflex, helping to expel any potentially poisonous substances from our digestive system. The flexion response is also a protective reflex, in which we automatically move our hand away from a hot or sharp object that we may have contacted. We come equipped with many simple reflexes that are activated through a reflex arc, which is a neutral structure that underlies many reflexes and consists of a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a motor neuron.

Powell, Russel, P. Lynne Honey, and Diane Symbaluk. Introduction to Learning and Behavior. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2013. Print. 
