Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), according to the textbooks definition is a disorder that one is diagnosed with constant thoughts, images and impulses, which are the obsessions, and repeated behaviors, the compulsions, that are followed by the obsessions. Many people think they may have this type of disorder because they need to make sure that their work desk or room needs to be cleaned at all times. Or they have a problem with a pattern that’s not matched up correctly, or make sure everything is color coordinated. However, people that think like this and say they have OCD, do not necessarily have the disorder to be clinically diagnosed with it.  The people, who actually have OCD, have constant unwanted obsessions that the person cannot control. There is a need to constantly have things a certain way to be able and function through their daily lives. When those who have obsession, they tend to do the compulsions to relive any type stress or anxiety. If they did not complete the compulsions for the obsessions, the person will think something negative is going to occur.

I found a blog about the differences between perfectionism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and I encourage people to read the short article because it gives you a straight forward answer as to why OCD is to be looked at more of a disorder than say someone always being “clean” or “neat.” Being OCD takes over a person’s life. When it comes to defining perfectionism, people tend to have high standards for themselves and other people. They have to make sure everything is going right, or it starts to bring on feelings of stress or anxiety. These people work hard at what they are already good at to be the best of the best, not wanting to be neglected or rejected by others. So as you can see perfectionism and OCD can be related in some sorts, however have different symptoms and characteristics of diagnosis. I never realized these two could be compared and contrast until coming across this blog.

Powell, R. A., Symbaluk, D. G., & Honey, P. L. (2009). Introduction to learning and behavior. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.


  1. I agree with you, many people think they have OCD, just because they like things to be a certain way. However the people who have been diagnosed with OCD, physically can not function throughout a day if something is not a certain way. I really enjoyed reading your post.

  2. I really enjoyed the topic you chose for your post. I think we hear people say they have OCD too often. This can be a serious disorder that may really affect an individual’s life. The blog you attached was interesting and informative. I think the text also did a great job at explaining the disorder. OCD is a phobia that incorporates an avoidance response (Powell, p. 361). Because of this, it is important that those who have OCD see a professional for help. Exhibiting OCD behaviors on a daily basis may get in the way of being in social groups or working in an office space, which may then affect an individual’s relationships and their ability to pay bills and live in a healthy environment. However, like you said, it is important that people recognize the difference between perfectionism and OCD. While they run parallel to each other, they are two different concepts.


    Powell, R., Honey, P., Symbaluk, D. (2013). Introduction to learning and behavior. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

  3. Very nice, I have to agree with you, I hear people everywhere everyday basically bragging about how they have and suffer from OCD, they don't really consider the fact that its really a struggle living with OCD and that the individuals that are actually suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder aren't just bragging about it. But i like how you explained the difference between the two most people do not think of perfectionism as quickly as OCD. Along with the text, you helped me better understand OCD and also Perfectionism. Thank you.

  4. Many people, including myself, confuse OCD and perfectionism, and this article was a great clarification. OCD is definitely an overused term in today's society, and some people claim to have it as if it is a badge of honor. These people fail to realize that OCD is crippling to those who have it; being constantly bombarded with obsessive, intrusive thoughts must incredibly stressful. Fortunately, based on this article, it appears I fall into the perfectionist category. I am definitely a person that takes a 10-minute task like drafting an e-mail or writing this comment into a 30-minute ordeal because the words need to be just right. Moreover, I frequently check door locks and the security alarm before I leave my house, though not to the extent of a person with OCD.


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