Post 1- Animal Tools

One thing that I found very interesting while further researching animal tool use is that the concept has actually been featured in several books and Television shows. One of these books that I have found online is  Animal Tool Use by Robert W. Shumaker, Kristina R. Walkup and Benjamin B. Beck. When I began reading about this book, I found it interesting that it focused not only on the use of tools in Monkey and Ape species', but in several other animals as well. Some of these species include Polar Bears using large objects as projectiles to hunt, Wasps using pebbles as hammers, and an Octopus carrying around a shell to hide in. It is enlightening to think about how animals and humans are more alike than typically advertised. Animals do not need fingers or thumbs in order to use tools in a beneficial way. They use their instincts and resources to create a tool that will aid them in their lives and make attaining their needs more convenient. Below is a video which shows tool use in the New Caledonian Crow:

For more information on Animal Tool Use, visit the site below:  


  1. Throughout the first few chapters that we've read, it has become more and more obvious the amount of information we learn from animals. As described in our book, we learn about treatments to serious illnesses and diseases and have a better understanding of different physiological processes. I think it's really important to study animals both in an experimental atmosphere as well as in their natural habitat. I found a video I think you would really enjoy. It's the same New Caledonian Crow in it's natural habitat, undisturbed or prompted to use a certain tool. The crow removes a twig from a tree, sculpts a hook on the bottom, removes the leaves, and extracts a piece of meat from a hole.
    Your post got me really interested to find this video and learn a little bit more about the use of animals and the tools they use. Thank you, great job!!

    Here is a link to the video I talked about in my comment above:

  2. Great post! I thought your article topic was very interesting and thought the video you included was a great example of animal tool use. The importance of animals within research is a common idea seen all throughout our textbook. I feel that many people often underestimate the abilities of animals to perform certain tasks. From reading our assigned textbook, it is obvious that animals share a very similar set of skills in comparison to humans. Though they may differ in their anatomic structure, animals have found ways to circumvent these obstacles by taking advantage or their own body structures.

  3. I find this to be a fascinating topic. I think it is the coolest thing to watch animals interact with their environment and to see how they use the things around them much like a human would. Awesome post.

  4. I also find this to be extremely interesting! I love that you made the point that animals are much more like humans than we generally view them to be. They are making due with their environments and using their brains to make things easier when possible. I think sometimes we like to get on our high horse and think that all animals are simple and we're complex, but that clearly could not be further from the truth.

  5. I love this post!! It has always been important for me to express how smart animals are but "us" humans tend to throw that thought to the sit because we are the smartest. Although not all animals have thumbs, walk on two legs, or have a mouth, I believe they tend to be way more creative when it comes to the use of tools and getting things done than we do in todays society.


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