So Far So Good

Why should families talk to their children about 911 calls? This video proves it! Five year old Savannah takes the phone for her dad after he can not speak due to shortness of breath. Other interviews on the news with Savannah, mom, and dad say how they had practiced what to do if she had to call 911. Luckily, Savannah remembered what she had learned and was able to save her dads life. Not only is that is wonderful learning experience of why we should talk to our children about emergencies, but also an adorable video!


  1. Amazing. So important to teach your child lessons such as these. Some parents write their kids off as being too young to even have any reason to know this kind of stuff and this definitely proves otherwise.

  2. This is a great way to teach your kids some sort of responisibilities. Many times parents refrain their children from using the phone at which in this instance it was the child that saved the parents life. The child will feel trusted and feel that they could help in the long run.


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