Accidentally Rewarding Bad Behavior

Extinction is a non-reinforcement of a previously reinforced response, the result of which is a decrease in the strength of that response.

In chapter eight the book mentions an example of a child that whines in order to get candy. The child's parents have given in so many times it is now expected that if the chid wines he will receive candy, ice cream, ect. In order to extinguish this response you must not reward the whining. If you successfully do this (refusing to provide the candy when the child whines) then the whining will decline.

I found a video that I think is rather amusing- Watch how this child whines and surprisingly yells and demands ice cream and soda from his mother. She desperately needs a lesson in extinction...


  1. Where is this child's manners! This mother deserves this treatment for not enforcing good manners in her child.

  2. Talk about giving something just to shut them up! This behavior definitely needs to be extinguished.

  3. When I took Ed Psych my teacher told us a story of how she took her daughter to the grocery store and promised her that she could have a pack of gum if she behaved. Well she didn't behave so my teacher refused to buy her the gum because she had broken her part of the deal. My teacher said that her daughter was screaming and crying like she was being hurt or something and it was very embarrassing, but she had to hold her ground. She said by the time they got in the car she was over it. Good thing she stood firm because otherwise she would have a monster like that kid!

  4. Wow, I cannot believe this child's nerve! And the nerve of that mother to give in to her son?! She is only harming him by raising him to think this is acceptable behavior. Not only will he continue to abuse his mother in this way, but he will grow to understand that this is the way one speaks to women in general. I pity whomever becomes his girlfriend one day.

  5. There are so many kids like this! You see them in the supermarket all the time! My sister used to do this, and my mom gave in all the time. It was a hard habit to break.

  6. After reading this post earlier today I thought about how this happens between my daugher and I and also her father. My daughter is three years old now and today she whined and said her feet hurt and she wanted me to carry her down our stairs. So thinking about this post I thought you know what I am going to let her whine and cry and not pick her up because she is big enough to walk down the stair and she was fibbing about her feet hurting. Well let me tell you she stood at the top of the stairs for at least 25 mins and screamed her head off and I let her until she finally gave in.


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